Constant Procession

367 Constant Procession



Part 12- Summer Listening continues with this twelfth installment of my 1st book “The Constant Procession.” The episode continues around the time of WWI. The Fatima seer, Sister Lucia sent a message to the Pope. What followed was a call for people world-wide to consecrate their hearts and minds to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. By the end of WWI, the reality was that many who died in the line of battle were the best and brightest of that generation. It suddenly created a vacuum of natural leaders all across the world.  Fatalism overtook Faith and the Roaring Twenties attitude of “anything goes” became the way of the world. Culminating in WWII. But then, the story of "Our Lady of the Great Return" in Chapter 21 tells of a phenomena that started in France during WWII.  It gave people hope and became an 'endless procession' of sorts, as people marched through the streets all across France behind a very special statue of the Virgin Mary. These marches started in 1942 and continuing through 1948. There are links, p