Pure Sex Radio

Helping Pastors Recover from Sexual Brokenness



Pastors are regular men in a position of great responsibility. They are not immune to sexual temptations. How can the church help pastors recover from sexual sin and strongholds?In this episode, our guest is Robert Posner. Robert and his wife, Judy, are the founders of 2416 Ministries, a ministry based on Proverbs 24:16, which states, “Though a righteous man falls seven times, he will get up, but the wicked will stumble into ruin.” Robert shares his own story as a pastor who fell into sexual sin and his own journey of recovery and growth. We also talk about some of the unique challenges that pastors face due to their often isolated and elevated position. And what pastors can do to guard themselves against sexual misconduct, heal from sexual brokenness, and enter safe places for help in breaking free from sexual struggles and strongholds. To learn more about Robert and his ministry, visit 2416ministries.org.More Resources:1-on-1 MentoringGateway to Freedom workshopThe Christian Response to Moral Failure in Chu