Beat Your Genes: An Evolutionary Psychology Podcast For Finding Happiness In The Modern World

314: Are men right more often than women? Own personality distortions, Getting flustered in arguments, Do children's personality evolve through adulthood?



Evolutionary psychologist, Doug Lisle, PhD and social scientist, Jen Howk, PhD discuss the following listener questions:   1. How does one go about getting an objective personality test? I have a friend that constantly mentions that they are cursed with being highly conscientious and very agreeable. However most others in our friend group find them not very conscientious, and highly disagreeable. How does low intelligence impact distortions in ones own perceptions of their personality, and possibly reality in general?   2. I am a very agreeable female married for many years. My husband and I very occasionally disagree and I find I need to stand up for myself. He stays calm and I get really anxious in an argument and even end up saying things I don’t even mean in the heat of it all which upsets me and him. Can I learn to stand up for myself but be calmer and if so can you help me with how to do this. 3.  In a great relationship, would a woman feel more comfortable if her mate was right more often than she was