Cutting Through The Matrix With Alan Watt Podcast (.xml Format)

Aug. 20 2023 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past): "Who Is In Charge?"



--{ "Who Is In Charge?"}-- Giorgia Meloni, Biden's Asset - Victoria Nuland - PNAC - Aspen Institute - Original Blurb Aug. 2, 2020 - SAGE; Hyping Up Fear, Demanding Media Lie to Public - Madeleine Albright, Death of Half a Million Iraqi Children was "worth it" - Psychopaths in Control - The Big Idea; a Real Religious Cause - Drugs, Flattening Emotions of Soldiers; PTSD - Prozac - Fentanyl - The Third Way, The Third Wave, The Fourth Industrial Revolution - EU, WHO, Panel on Vaccines; In Vaccines We Trust - Bolshevik Revolution - Judiciary Committee Hearing, Grilling William Barr; Same Group Behind Impeachment Proceedings Against Trump; a Show Trial - Albert Pike, Scottish Rite of Freemasonry; World Revolutionary Movement - Trotsky, Lenin, Bolsheviks - Bertrand Russell - The Poets Shelley and Byron - George Carlin - Turning Children Against Their Parents; Plato, Licensing of Musicians - The Revolution We are Going Through Now is The Elite's Revolution; Population Reduction; WEF, Reduce Energy Supplies - Bi