Awesome With Alison

Ep 175: Apparently, I’m angry! (And what I’m gonna do about it!)



Anger! Such a fun emotion! Well, I mean it’s fun for people who like to get mad, but for people who feel like anger is something to be fixed, corrected or avoided…it’s not that fun, right? But there’s a lot of anger in this world! And it doesn’t look like it’s going away, so what are we going to do about it? Or rather what do we do with our anger?! What can we do? In this episode, I am sharing several years worth of observations about learning to embrace and work with my anger, why it’s a very necessary thing for every human person! I’m sharing some resources that have been really really helpful for me! I hope you enjoy! I hope it helps you feel peace (or rage?!) and I read an angry poem I wrote as well! Such fun! I’m sending you all the love! Taming the Tiger Within - essay WANT A FREE AUDIO BOOK?! Also get my book!!! There’s a chapter about feeling