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Chapter 48 - Spring Cleaning



This month, Keith, Paul, and Rana welcome back Corey Parker as they clean out the attic and prepare for the new birth of spring.This episode is brought to you by Audible. Get access to over 180,000 audiobooks with your first month free. Just visit and your first book is on us!This episode is also brought to you by Photolemur. Make your pictures look great using AI focused photo editing software. Click our link to save 35% today! Visit /aois21Additional support is provided by Quoth the Writer, LLC. Get your writing project professionally edited, not matter what the length! Competitive rates based on time of completion. Visit for more information.We’re on Patreon! Visit to support this and other aois21 media endeavors as we aim to continue to put out quality content and to keep past content available for everyone.Find our merchandise on Tee Public! Not only are there great Publish