Hey, Listen! Radio

NAGP Resurrection Episode 47: Hideo Kojima—Finally Making Movies?



This week, NAGP Resurrection... The boys finally return to discuss Hideo Kojima’s post Death Stranding release plans, a YouTuber's lifetime ban from Fortnite, Terry Bogard's addition to Super Smash Bros., and the government of China's attempt to implement a new gaming curfew for people under the age of 18. Tune in! Opening: uc by Lately Kind of Yeah
 https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Lately_Kind_of_Yeah/ Closing: Come and Find Me - B Mix by Eric Skiff
ericskiff https://ericskiff.com/music/ Thumbnail image credit: https://youtu.be/aluD5CDZ6Zk Visit our website for more podcasting goodness!