Photo Talk

Episode 48: Phone Interview with Jim Esp and Melissa Aldrich of PMA



I recently connected with Jim and Melissa at the PMA headquarters in Jackson, Michigan, via telephone. Hear from the people who are bringing the Bigphotoshow to Los Angeles, May 17th, 18th. at the LA Convention Center. Jim Esp, is CEO of the Photo Marketing Association, and Melissa Aldrich is the Operating officer. The PMA association is bringing vendors and photography buffs together at one big show. This years attendance is expected to exceed the 16,000 mark, set at last years show. Listen to all of the details, as the Bigphotoshow again returns to the Los Angeles area. The show promises to bring new and exciting vendors, and educators to help all levels of photographers. Also click on www.bigphotoshow to enter in the online contest. There are over $6,000 in prizes. No fee entry required. Thanks for your support.