Ricardo Equips Artistic Leaders

007 4 Must Haves for Your Hip-Hop Ministry or Music Business



This podcast is taken from my blog post "The Foundation of Music" and then expounded on. In short, here is what you need to set the foundation for your music (ministry or business):   You need a Wise Plan that is BIBLICAL--founded in the WORD or on the ROCK--Jesus Christ You need a Wise Master Builder--an Apostle who understands the Plan and can help you You need the LIGHT--the Spirit of God upon you so that people may SEE God in your and come out of Satan's kingdom of Darkness to the Father and Christ You need to by FAITH put ACTION to this plan, whether if God says so, Christ says so, the Spirit of God says so, the Word of God says so, and the human agent--the Hip-Hop Apostles says so. That's FIVE witnesses that need to all agree together to confirm and establish your music ministry or music business. Love you and Christ bless!   Ricardo Butler aka ReAsOn DiSciPLe Five Fold Hip-Hop Ministry & Leadership Developer | Hip-Hop Author/Blogger | Apostolic Founder of: - Ricardo Equips Artistic Leaders (R.E.A