Ricardo Equips Artistic Leaders

008 Lyrical Clarity



Sup famo! This podcast talks about how there is POWER in agreement ON THE WORD!   Remember to free people from the bonds of Satan ...   You need to be SPEAKING the Word of God. You need to be SPEAKING the Word of God CLEARLY SO THAT ALL MAY HEAR AND UNDERSTAND. You need to be SPEAKING the Word of God in agreement with God's TRUE ministers. And finally, though I didn't mention this, you need to be speaking by the ANOINTING OF GOD! You natural talent to rap holds not weight. Your talent is just a gift that makes room for you and brings you before people (Proverbs 18:16). But it's the ANOINTING that breaks chains.   "And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed BECAUSE OF THE ANOINTING [that comes from the SPIRIT, not your talent to rap]." (Isaiah 10:27).   And in these end times God is raising up Five Fold Ministers/Leaders who will restore by His Spirit the musical order and the purpose for