Xutian Zhang's Podcast




听着这样的音乐,你是否可以想象出一位高雅的女子穿着旗袍在雨中漫步的场景呢?音乐略带忧伤,似乎要告诉你一个浪漫的故事。 When listening to the background music, could you imagine an elegant lady who wears the beautiful cheongsam wandering in the sprinkle? the music is a little bit sad, and it seems to tell you a romantic story. 音乐取自于著名电影《花样年华》,女主角张曼玉将角色演的十分到位,她所穿的旗袍更是给人留下了深刻的印象,将东方女性的含蓄,高雅,端庄的气质显现地淋漓尽致。同学们不妨去看看这部电影,感受旗袍的独有的美。 The music is from the familiar Chinese film'In the Mood for Love'. In the movie, the leading actress, Maggie Zhang,fully expresses the characteristics of eastern ladies such as connotation, elegance and civility. The cheongsams she wore also left audience a deep impression. If you have time, please watch the movie to taste the only beauty of cheongsam. 当然旗袍不仅可以展现女性高雅的一面,同时也可以体现女性玲动的一面,听着这首欢快的歌曲,你是否可以想象女士们穿着美丽的旗袍翩翩起舞呢? While not only could the cheongsam express the lady's elegance, but also it can express the lady's nimbleness. Could you imagine the ladies who wear various cheongsams dancing with the bright rhythm? It must be beautiful. 旗袍堪