Sanshin Zen Community's Podcast

Wake Up



This talk continues Shohaku Okumura Roshi's commentary on the modern classic Opening The Hand of Thought written by his teacher Kosho Uchiyama Roshi.  Okumura Roshi discusses how we wake up in our zazen practice. An excerpt: "We simply repeat waking up from thinking or sleeping.  That’s all we do.  So there’s no goal.  The point is just to be, right now, right here.  Right now right here is just sitting.  So whenever we find we deviate from just sitting we return to here and now and just sit.  There’s no goal, nowhere to go."  It was originally given at Sanshinji in Bloomington, IN on July 18, 2010.Please consider supporting Okumura Roshi's teachings and the activities of Sanshin Zen Community by making a contribution on this podcast's page ( or at Sanshin's home page (