

Jeremiah 17:14-15 — What is one’s response to the word of the Lord? Do they believe it and does His word draw them to confession of sin and repentance? In this sermon on Jeremiah 17:14–15 titled “The Unbeliever,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones exhorts the Christian to examine how they respond to the word of God. He elaborates that everyone in the whole world is divided by whether or not they respond in faith to the word of God. The non-Christian does not believe the word, but instead mocks, scoffs, and denies what it says. Dr. Lloyd-Jones shows that this was the reality for Jeremiah’s audience; they mocked the prophecies spoken by Jeremiah. Moreover, the same is true of unbelievers today. Dr. Lloyd-Jones expounds that people will scoff at the word of God until judgement day. However, the believer is cut to the heart by the word of God and confesses their sin. The Christian trusts the word of God and risks losing everything in obedience.