30 Plus Men's Fitness Podcast

30 Plus Men's Fitness Podcast Episode 12



In this podcast Mark interviews friend and mentor Renzo Algieri (56) a former bodybuilder with over 30 years experience in the fitness industry.Renzo talks about what inspired him to get into training as youngster, his journey to competitive shows and the sacrifices it took along the way with a busy job and young family.Renzo also gives his very interesting opinions on supplementation, the current 'If it fits your macros' trend, intervals versus low intensity fasted cardio for fat loss and how he has adjusted his training to stay in fantastic shape way into his 50s.If you are a bodybuilder, aspiring bodybuilder or just a regular gym goer who enjoys lifting weights then you are going to really enjoy this.This is 45 mins of great contentSit back and enjoy!www.30plusmensfitness.comwww.30plusmensfitnessplan.comwww.30plusbootcamp.com