Uncharted Performance

Sidepreneuring, Leveraging Networks, and the Nooma Life with Brandon & Jarred Smith



Hockey is an exceptionally tough sport. Of the big four, it is arguably the most dangerous sport to play due to it's very physical nature and the speed at which it is played. Making it to the pro-level is a great accomplishment in itself, but what if you're not the next Tyler Seguin or Vladimir Tarasenko? If you pay attention and prepare accordingly, the game of hockey is full of lessons, both inside and outside the rink; it is the perfect arena in which to hone and develop your skills for after and outside the game. Meet Brandon and Jarred Smith of Nooma, a lifestyle brand focusing on healthy living and an active lifestyle. In Episode 10 of Uncharted Performance, learn how these two gentlemen took advantage of their hockey careers and set out on a business evolution. From identifying a personal need and moonlighting as sideprenuers to moving out their Craigslist office into a brand new warehouse facility to house their expanding operations, let them take you on a "journey to the ultimate you".