Uncharted Performance

Extending Your Quality of Life, Setting The Right Expectations and Developing Confidence with Bill Russell



When is it finally time to make a change? It wasn’t until his 40’s that Bill Russell had enough. The compounding effect of not paying attention to his decisions and behaviors took a toll on his physical appearance and wallet. He turned it around with CrossFit and started helping others improve their lifestyles as well. How? Find out in this interview. You are never too old or too young to start taking care of yourself and doing something that will leave a positive effect on your health and well being. Let that time be now. Watch or listen to Episode 12 of Uncharted Performance with Bill Russell of CrossFit Cleveland as we discuss the heyday of CrossFit, building a community, defining your personality and focus as a facility, developing and improving members as well as finding what is right for you, just to name a few. Prepare for change!