Uncharted Performance

Developing and Harnessing Skills for Self Defense, Sport and Life with Rob McKeeman



How do you develop a skill? Consistent practice, training, repetitions, and more repetitions under varying circumstances and scenarios are all key factors that contribute to the overall development of a particular skill. Over time and through our dedicated approach that skill becomes second nature; it becomes automatic. Whether it is typing on a keyboard or performing the Clean and Jerk, we are able execute or react without thinking. We just do. The ability to defend oneself is yet another skill. You have to put in the time and effort to become proficient at it. Enter the uncanny Rob McKeeman of Endeavor Defense and Fitness. A specialist of self defense, defensive firearms, and high level highland games athlete, Rob teaches us how to develop the physical and mental capacity to understand and perform under stressful conditions. The skills, discipline and confidence we learn along the way can be applied easily to any other endeavor (pun intended). We promise you this will be the most fun you will have learning