Uncharted Performance

The Truth About Supplements with Nicole Gould of Vital Choice



Get ready to learn everything you wanted to know about supplements but were afraid to ask. In this episode of Uncharted Performance, Nicole Gould of Vital Choice, a registered dietitian, is here to shed some light on what supplements we should be using and which ones to stay away from.  Nicole teaches us what to look for in picking good quality products, how to decipher the not so good ingredients on the label and what doses of common vitamins are appropriate to take.  Of course, we had to discuss major players in the sports nutrition game, such as protein and creatine, but you will also find out how to battle one of the biggest obstacles to achieving overall health (hint: the SAD diet is a big contributing factor).  Last but not least, we want to emphasize the importance of educating yourself to make the best choices! Enjoy!