Uncharted Performance

Do What Scares You with Nick White of Tremont Athletic Club



If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to leave your professional career behind to pursue your dreams, look no further than this episode of Uncharted Performance. Nick White, our guest this week, left a career in law to open Tremont Athletic Club. We dive right in to learn about how Nick took the leap to entrepreneurship, leaving behind a steady and secure paycheck from his law firm. Nick shares with us his initial fears, what steps he took to make his business grow, how he works daily to keep his team and clients engaged and continually developing to become better versions of themselves. The main theme of this interview is that what often stops us from dreaming big is the fear of losing what we have now, the perceived security of it. Nick’s answer to that is what should truly scare us is missing out and giving up on what we could achieve by taking that first step.