Uncharted Performance

Strength Summit Part Three - Progress & Longevity



Episode 43 of Uncharted Performance welcomes back our old friends from the previous two-part mini-series Strength Summit (Part 1 and Part 2), Tom Rini and Lindsey Kelly of Black Flag Athletics, and Mark Valenti of Blind Dog Gym. When we thought we’ve covered it all when to comes to getting strong, there’s a lot more hiding behind the surface! In this episode we dig into our guests’ surprising reasons for first starting working out and training, discuss variables that can help promote longevity in gaining and maintaining strength, as well as some general advice from these seasoned athletes and coaches.  The pieces of advice that stand out the most? Don’t get stuck in single modality training, have one plan and commit to it, find what drives, you and seek out the best people at what they do to get to that goal.