Uncharted Performance

The Joy of The Road with Nate Helming & Craig dos Santos of The Run Experience



On this week’s episode of Uncharted Performance we want to introduce you to Nate Helming and Craig dos Santos, endurance athletes and coaches and founders of The Run Experience in San Francisco. They’ve found a way to connect and unite a community of runners, both in person as well as virtually, by teaching the correct running technique in a way that does not feel overcritical or deprecating. Nate and Craig want to bring back the joy of running before it became equated with athletic punishment. For those of you preparing for an endurance event or if you run regularly but still struggle once in a while, you’ll learn a refreshing new approach. Lastly, we’ll discuss how posture and stability, mobility and strength as well as being in tune with your body can help you run better but also love running more.