Uncharted Performance

Finding Yourself with Anjua Maximo and Jen Speed of PURE MVMNT



Episode 48 of Uncharted Performance presents two exciting new guests, Anjua Maximo and Jen Speed. Anjua is the creator of PURE MVMNT, a certified life coach and co-creator of GrooveRyde and Jen is the co-creator of IronWill and a coach at PURE MVMNT. This is not our usual “how to get stronger in your lifts ” type of episode as we explore an entirely different movement practice.  Anjua and Jen take us on a journey into the world of sensual dance. They’ve build more than a fitness studio but a place for women to find connection, community and a no-judgement place for self-love to flourish by encouraging self-expression through movement. Their goal is for women to feel great in their bodies but we could all learn to slow down a little and move with intention.