Uncharted Performance

How To Take Responsibility For Your Goals with Pawel Wencel of Uncharted Performance (The Airborne Mind Show)



Pawel Wencel, is the host and co-creator of Uncharted Performance. He does a phenomenal job seeking out the stories of his guests where he highlights the adversity they’ve had to overcome. What I found most fascinating in this conversation was the process of thinking that Pawel uses to continually achieve his goals. He has a full time corporate job while pursuing his passion project. It’s very easy to blame time, circumstances, or be paralyzed by the enormity of the task ahead. How does he take responsibility for what’s most important? How did he break down his vision into actionable steps? What does that structure look like? These concepts are not just limited to side hustles and passion projects. It’s about figuring out how to make time for whatever is most important to you.