Jennie Hk's Podcast

Interview with Simon Jordan: an incredibly simple 4 step system to getting more done!



Maximising your productivity and keeping up energy levels are key to a sustainable lifestyle business. When procrastination or overwhelm creeps into your day you end up wasting precious time that could be spent doing the things you love to do. At times I am certainly guilty of this so I went out and interviewed a friend of mine, Simon Jordan. He has 4 kids, 2 cats, 1 dog, works from home, wrote a book, speaks internationally and coaches clients around the globe. The question is, how does he get it all done? Well it wasn't by winning the lottery or employing a host of helpers. Simon spills the beans in a simple 4-step process in this interview that provides him the structure to achieve it all. I can vouch for it as have been using the same system for the last few weeks and it has without a doubt made a difference. If you would like to find out more about his system please visit Enjoy! Jennie