Chats With Gigi

Is Women Empowerment Actually Disempowering?



The concept of women empowerment has created a global movement that has driven many women to tap into their full potential and get out of their comfort zone. But has this concept evolved to do the oppositve of what it intended? Is Women Empowerment Actually Disempowering?Today's guest is Diana Perkovic. She's the founder of Good Girl Mafia, a female empowerment company, where "women supporting women" is more than just a cool catch phrase, it's a way of being. As an experienced Empowerment Coach, Diana has come to understand that the way to achieve empowerment amongst women is to cultivate, grow and unleash personal empowerment in one woman at a time. Diana knows firsthand what it's like to be perceived as confident and empowered, while feeling like the complete opposite. Confident enough to interview stars like Jennifer Lopez, Mariah Cary and Mary J Blige on live TV, yet still …disempowered. She couldn't make the life changes that were needed. Diana managed to get unstuck, pivot and thrive… fully empowered. N