One Shot

517. Renee Rhodes' Animon Story, Episode Two



EPISODE SUMMARY In the continuation of our Animon Story game, run by auditioning host Renee Rhodes, the players create the Animon companions—their types, classifications, and special abilities—that came to them in their dreams. Alaska, Ikemba, Minnie, and Max wake up after dreams identical to the ones they had before meeting their Animon. When school is mysteriously canceled, the group decides to check on their missing friend. Soon, they discover there is more happening than the adults are telling them… and it’s all connected to Animon and dreams. This one shot is part of our audition series to find a new host. There will be an accompanying listener survey released with each series. Let us know what you think of the auditioning hosts! Content warning: perpetual sleep (people who are unable to wake up) SHOW NOTES GET THE ULTIMATE RPG CAMPFIRE CARD DECK! More excellent game content from James! Go buy it! GET READY TO SUPPORT COURIER'S CALL SEAON THREE! Find the Kickstarter page here! ---------------------------