Actuarial Journey With Nemo Ashong

60: Welcome to Actuarial Journey 2.0!



THE WAIT IS OVER: INTRODUCING ACTUARIAL JOURNEY 2.0! Actuarial Journey is back and better than ever with Actuarial Journey 2.0 (AJ 2.0). Listen to this episode to get some insight into what you can expect from Actuarial Journey moving forward (all good things)! AJ 2.0 is dedicated to helping you TAKE ACTION, today and every day, along your actuarial journey. We’ve launched new courses and programs, revamped our online learning community for aspiring actuaries, and have a ton more lined up for you including a steady stream of new podcasts! Ready to be a part of the AJ 2.0 movement? Head on over to now to find out more about how we’re helping each other succeed along our actuarial journeys! Use these resources to move forward in YOUR actuarial journey today! Join the ACTUARIAL JOURNEY COMMUNITY:Join the Actuarial Journeyer Community (Text "COMMUNITY" to 33-444 or click link Take action to start using these skills and more along your