48 Days To The Work You Love Internet Radio Show

I’m no spring chicken anymore - what’s next?



What do you do when you recognize it’s time for a new season in your life? Maybe, like this particular listener, you are ready to move from hard physical labor to work that depends more on your brains than your brawn. So let’s explore the ways you can make massive changes in your work - without starting over.  So, grab a cup of coffee and get ready for a power-packed episode filled with practical advice, inspiring stories, and valuable resources to help you find the work you love. Let's jump right in! This is one where you’re going to want to have a pen and paper in hand - because I’m giving you so many specific resources. Questions:  1. I am ready to invest and move into my next chapter of helping men get outdoors, enjoy wild places, rest, heal, understand their calling and return to love and serve God, others, and themselves by being the whole man they are created to be.  2. My 48th birthday is coming up next month and I’m realizing that I’m no spring chicken anymore and I don’t want to continue doing physi