Norma Gentile Sound Shaman

FILLING THE VOID Addressing Lack in our Lives



(Recorded during the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse of Aug 16, 2008)All podcasts are available as CDs from In the CD version, each meditation and the accompanying information is broken down into separate tracks, and includes written notes.  This podcast contains:1 Introduction2 What is Missing in Your Life?3 Creating Sacred Space4 Finding the Void in Your Heart5 The tapestry of Humanity6 Sun Moon Earth – A Healing Meditation from Archangel Michael7 The Tree Meditation to Clear Body and Aura8 Receive a Heart Message9 A Song for Your Heart from the Hathor Atamira10 Releasing Sacred Space11 You can do this tooWhat is missing in your life? Whether it is the lack of something physical like a house or car, or a partner in your life, you have been working on this issue using all of the tools that you have.  And yet it is still an issue.Maybe its time to try using a new tool, and see if you can understand the issue in a new way, or change something that your other tools weren’t able to effectively