Norma Gentile Sound Shaman

MANIFESTATION 101 Working with, not against, the Creative Cycle



In our western culture we think of manifestation as being a linear process.  I think of something, I visualize it, I meditate on it and it appears.  We don’t often think of the creative process as being cyclical, in that it re-occurs regularly, and has various stages.  There are quiet portions to the Creative Cycle that occur before anything comes into form. These quiet portions are seldom noticed.  But it is while the energies of Spirit and Nature are gestating that we as humans can often nourish or accidentally trample upon something potentially manifesting in our lives.Here is a meditation supported by the energetic presence of Archangel Michael, Mary and Thoth to help you notice and attend to projects that Spirit is already working on bringing into in your life.1 Introduction to the Manifestation portion of the Creative Cycle  2 Creating Sacred Space: Why include Nature Spirits in Your Sacred Space  3 The Quiet Motion of Spirit   4 Meditation – Allowing Spirit to Support You (even more)  5 Prioritizing Wh