Skype Of Cthulhu

867 - The Dracula Dossier 5



Skype of Cthulhu presents a Night's Black Agents scenario. The Dracula Dossier by Kenneth Hite and Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan. September, 2016 London, England / Bucharest, Romania The agents engage in surveillance, but who watches the watchmen? Dramatis Persone: Randall as Keeper of Arcane Lore Rachael as Emilie Hill, Medic Steve as Moses, Mule/Cobbler Gary as Gerry Ryan, Hacker Jim as Todd Theodorsky, Cleaner, former CSI Dave as John Czarnetzky, Cuckoo, fomer ATF agent Meredith as Jennifer Willis, mysterious past Download Subcription Options Podcast statistics