Creating Disney Magic: Lessons In Leadership, Management, And Customer Service

Boost Training Effectiveness by Testing on What You Train



  "Teaching is useless unless people are learning. Training needs to be sticky and impactful for it to truly make a difference." - Lee Cockerell There was a time in my life when I was practically living in hotels and restaurants. A lot of my time was spent observing the activity around me. I quickly recognized the significance of training effectiveness. One thing that has stuck with me was the realization that the implementation of a training is critical but often overlooked. We can conduct countless training sessions, but if they don't translate into action, what's the point? My perspective on training started to shift when I began to notice how some team members naturally excelled at their roles right after training, while others struggled, often slipping back into old habits. This observation led me to the importance of testing the training - not just immediately after, but as a consistent practice. It reminded me of learning to drive. The instructor can teach you all the rules, but unless you practi