Retro Hangover

Day of the Tentacle: More Fun Than a Jumpsuit Full of Weasels (ft. Martin Long)



What do you do when a sentient tentacle drinks toxic sludge from your backyard and becomes bent on world domination? Go back in time, of course! Guest Martin Long of The Reviews Brothers joins us to pass opinions on Day of the Tentacle back and forth through a mystical toilet portal... As one does.----------Today's Guest InformationName: Martin Long Bio: Gamer since the 80s. Started with a Commodore 64, had basically everything since! Gaming and horror are my jam. Lived in a few countries, work in marketing and in summary am a pretty generic person. Instagram: @the_reviews_brothers on Instagram YouTube: Martin on YouTube ----------Music AttributionsIntro / outro excerpts from Stream by 505, used under the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License.---------- Mentioned in this episode:Get You Some Tasty Caffeine!As a rule, we don't promote anything on the show that we can't personally vouch for. Bones Coffee has become a staple in both our households; in fact, it's the only coffee Shane drinks at home. Wit