Q + A

2: U=U & PrEP: The HIV Game Changers



The second episode of Q+A, GCN’s Queer and Alternative podcast is a special exploring the game-changing developments for men who have sex with men in 2017. We meet passionate HIV positive activist, Robbie Lawlor, and his partner of four years, Maurice Leahy, who are spreading the word about U=U, the fact that a positive person on medication with an undetectable viral load cannot pass on the virus. Robbie and Maurice talk candidly about their relationship and sex life, and how U=U freed them from fear. Then ACT UP Dublin’s Will St Leger pops into the studio to talk about the landmark developments in provision of PrEP in Ireland, a drug that reduces the risk of getting HIV from sex by more than 90%. Tune in and learn more!