For Future Reference - Institute For The Future

Future Now 008 — Sci-Fi Author David Brin on AI's Past, Present, and Future



IFTF Executive Director Marina Gorbis and acclaimed science fiction author David Brin discuss the future implications of artificial intelligence (AI). The conversation centers on how to regulate and direct AI in positive directions for humanity's benefit. Topics include opportunities and risks inherent in AI. the need for regulated competition, ensuring equitable access to AI, funding "public good" AIs, and fostering agility and innovation in steering our AI future. Mentioned in this episode: * "True Names" and "Rainbow’s End" by Vernor Vinge - Cited as examples of science fiction that understands accountability online. * "Give Every AI a Soul—or Else," by David Brin, Wired, 2023 - "To solve the 'crisis' in artificial intelligence, AI beings must say, 'I am me.'" * Ecologically oriented novels of Nancy Kress. * "Yuval Noah Harari argues that AI