Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis

5 Unexpected Ways Human Design Reflectors Attract Money And Abundance



Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Are you a Human Design Reflector seeking to manifest more money and abundance in your life? Join us for this interactive and eye-opening masterclass designed exclusively for Human Design Reflectors. Discover the 5 unexpected strategies tailored to your unique energy type, which will invite financial flow and prosperity into your life. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced Human Design student, this class will unlock the secrets of harnessing your Reflective powers for abundance like never before. Say goodbye to financial struggles and step into a life of limitless possibilities. Get ready to manifest with ease and embrace a whole new level of financial freedom! Talking Points: Reflecting Prosperity: Embracing Your Unique Money-Attracting Abilities. Navigating Openness: Turning Sensitivity into an Abundance Magnet. The Art of Alignment: Unleashing Your Authentic Power for Financial Flow. Aligning with Opportunity: Attracting Serendipitous Money Moments. Nourishing Se