On Preaching With H.b. Charles Jr.

#135 | 50 Practical Preaching Tips



Welcome to The On Preaching Podcast, the podcast dedicated to helping you preach faithfully, clearly, and better.  In this episode, I want to offer you fifty practical tips to help you preach faithfully, clearly, and better. These pointers are not in any order of importance. They cover a range of subjects related to personal devotion, sermon prepartion, and pulpit ministry. And, of course, this list is not exhaustive. But I hope you fine some of these words of advice helpful as you prepare and preach.  Plan your preaching. Start preparing as early as possible.  Prepare when you are at your best.  Gather tools for sermon preparation.  Consult the best commentaries.  Read and reread the text.  Observe before you interpret.  Learn to learn quicker.  Give time for hte message to marinate.  Keep a good record of your study notes.  Preach the truth and tone of the text.  Write complete sermon manuscripts.  Write for the ear not the eye.  Strive for clarity.  Practice variety.  Don't assume anything.  Get good rest