The Football Fans Podcast

S3 Ep83: 'It's been discussed in our dressing room and my teammates have said they'd walk off with me, if racism is heard'



This week on the pod, we dedicate the whole show to racism in football. Are we finally close to seeing players walk off the pitch? Lot’s of talk from authorises but no action and after a week up to 10 reported incidents of racism in grounds or online and Danny Rose planning his exit strategy from the game, players have had enough it seems. We’re joined by Charlton Athletics Lyle Taylor to talk about what he’d do.      Twitter; FootballFansPod Facebook; Football Fans Podcast  Instagram; Football Fans Podcast  Email; Subscribe; AudioBoom/iTunes/Spotify Don't forget to share too. Don’t forget to join us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and tell a mate. Find us on iTunes and please rate and comment so we can fly up the charts. Get in touch with any comments, questions or responses.  Enjoy