Seneca Community Church Messages

7/23/2023 - Can't Touch This - Part 15: Fortune



When you go to a Chinese buffet, no matter how stuffed you are, do you eat the fortune cookie, or at least open it? Most of the little proverbs are outrageous and obvious, yet sometimes they are spot on with what someone is facing. Some Christians wonder, since a fortune implies special prophetic knowledge, whether it is wrong to read fortune cookies. I think we can agree that would be overthinking a fun and silly moment especially when the proverb seems like a prophetic pronouncement. Even then, none of us take it seriously. Yet, when it comes to horoscopes, most of us are not so carefree. It is a matter of conscience. How do you determine for yourself the difference between something like a fortune cookie and a horoscope? That is what we will be unpacking this week in our second to last installment of "Can't Touch This!" - Part 15: Fortune Cookies, Yoga, and Other Things.