Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis

I Have To Ask My Husband.. And Other Big Fat Lies



Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  I Have to Ask My Husband… and Other Big Fat Lies Have you had this Big Fat Lie slowing you down in your life and business, that to make decisions for Your business, you must first consult with your Husband or Spouse? In this week’s episode of Big Fat Lies we will be taking on the BFL’s of co-mingling finances, relationships and respect and how making your husband or spouse the decision maker doesn’t actually work the way you think it does. How it’s actually the opposite… Listen to this show if you are asking questions like: HOW DO I MANAGE MY FINANCES IN A RELATIONSHIP // HOW DO I HAVE MY BUSINESS AND SHARE MY FINANCES WITH MY SPOUSE // HOW TO I NOT ARGUE WITH MY SPOUSE ABOUT FINANCES // HOW TO I BE AN ENTREPRENEUR AND A WIFE // HOW TO STOP FIGHTING ABOUT MONEY // WHAT WAYS CAN I MAKE MORE MONEY IN 2021 But beware, Jennifer’s clients are experiencing positive differences in their financial flows, their health, the values of their property portfolios and stock portfolio