Craig Peterson's Tech Talk

Stay One Step Ahead: Mastering Patching with these 10 Strategies



In a world where the digital landscape is riddled with potential threats, it's essential to armor up and protect yourself from hidden dangers. The recent controversy surrounding ChatGPT OpenAI's investigation by the FTC serves as a stark reminder of the perils lurking in the shadows. As you navigate the vast sea of information, it's easy to overlook the critical aspects of online security, such as patching and patchware. Fear not, for there's a beacon of hope amidst this digital labyrinth—patches. Whether you're worried about losing jobs by the 2030s or concerned about your smart devices spying on you, these small but powerful updates hold the key to maintaining your online fortress. Picture this: your devices, be it your phone, computer, or TV, are all shielded with layers of impenetrable security, thanks to timely patches. But it's not just about waiting for updates to appear magically; it's about arming yourself with knowledge and implementing proven strategies that ensure you never miss a patch. Are you s