Work Happy Coaching

Friday Live Coaching: How to take an offline business online



Hi, it's Jo, welcome. Yeah, we made it. It's Friday!And on Fridays, we are doing things a little bit different. I'm going to be doing some live coaching with people and today's coaching call is something that I think is going to be impacting a lot of people.Sarah Stokes is my volunteer today and, up until a few weeks ago Sarah ran an exclusively offline business: She is a dog trainer and a coach running classes and working one on one with folks in person.The current lockdown situation has prompted her (or rather forced her hand) to bring her business online which is something that she has been, in her words, procrastinating over for a while now.So today we talk about some of the mindset and belief, things that are getting in her way of fully diving in and building her online business. We talk about how the imposter complex comes into it, some of those unhelpful, sometimes limiting beliefs, around money, sales and marketing and what she can do to overcome those and prevent them from holding