Delay Radio: Comedy,funny News, Funny Stories (fast-ish)

Chicken Nugget Bomb Threat,Angry Customer,Handcuff Marriage in Ukraine,Stupid Criminal Calls Cops,High School Suspension - Ep. 81 - Funny News Comedy



This week, Gordy is out in Mexico selling roses in parking lot and making his way back to Michigan. So the D's wife has joined the team this week, alongside Bubba and the Honch. The D prompty starts this week's schedule with a wively insult since Vee doesn't have a news topic for this week. After that, we jump right in to couples counseling. What is the wost thing that you've ever done when something wasn't quite right at a restaurant? Bubba passively aggressively sent back his Prime Rib dinner because it was 'too raw', and Honch worked at Subway (if you didn't already know this), but he did send back a burger because it was overcooked, and still gave them a good tip.The Bubba left a 1 cent tip at Old Chicago when our 'group' was ignored at the bar; the same place where we saw a very small kid (like 2 years of age) playing with knives. That said, our talk of restaurants led to Honch talking about a 'poop dollar', where you leave a dollar on a curb, a