Delay Radio: Comedy,funny News, Funny Stories (fast-ish)

Crypto Hamster,Sex Insurance,Woolly Mammoth Revival,Jurassic Park,College Bars,Coffee Death - Ep. 85 - Funny News Comedy



In this week's episode, right out of the gate Honch finally becomes aware that Bubba looks just like Duff from Charm City Cakes, and we'll get some video over to Duff on Cameo soon. He might be the same person, but Bubba clearly wouldn't have the baking skills.Would you take financial investing advice from a gerbil/hamster? (Are they the same thing). There is a gerbil that id probably crushing it with his Doge coin.There is a woman who is currently suing Geico because she contracted HPV from a man in a car. The woman is claiming that because got an STD, her insurance is apparently responsible. We have declared B.S on that one.Are you a fan of Jurassic Park? If you remember the main premise, a man wants to bring back dinosaurs from DNA. Well, as it turns out, we're not that far off. Scientists have decided to bring back the woolly mammoth by leveraging DNA samples that they have. They're really trying to get an animal that can survive -40 degree temperatures.Listen and Subscribe On:App