Heal Endometriosis Naturally With Wendy K Laidlaw

#147 - Meet Kalisha - ANOTHER EndoBoss® Inspiring Story



Meet the lovely Kalisha from Texas, USA, who shares her inspiring story. Kalisha used to have debilitating monthly cycles that were so chronically painful that she would end up having to go to the A&E department at the local hospital; every month. Then the doctors would put her on an intravenous drip with pain medication to try and manage the excruciating pain that soared through her abdomen and body. Fortunately, Kalisha's sister bought my book called "How I Ended My Endometriosis Naturally" for her (which is available on Amazon). Although it was challenging at the start, she started to make the necessary lifestyle changes and within a few months, Kalisha's pain started to diminish and her visits to the hospital stopped. Whilst Kalisha still has some way to go on her EndoBoss® journey to reach her destination, she kindly reached out to us on Instagram and shared her great news of progression in the right direction! Listen to Kalisha share her inspiring journey and what is possible with the correct inform