Short Cuts




From the texture of silence to sonic disappearances, Josie Long presents short documentaries and audio adventures about the soundscapes we inhabit. Omissa Oloisaan Produced by Miyuki Jokiranta A Moonlit Memory Featuring Salma Ahmed Caller Sounds from YleArkisto, reinsamba, Benboncan, Julius_galla, Straget, FaireDesVagues and SoundLover16 on Produced by Taqwa Sadiq Sacha Taki Featuring Jonathan Grefa, president of the Ancestral Kichwa Population of Kawsak Sacha (PAKKS -, Rosa Santi, Education and Health Coordinator of PAKKS, Dr. Paola Moscoso, Director of Voces del Bosque and Graciela Tupay (singer) With thanks to Amaru Grefa, External communication and media of PAKKS, Pastor Inmunda , ex president of PAKKS, Didier Lacaze, Director of Sacha Warmi Rosa Canelos, Sacha Warmi, Dr. Alice Eldridge, University of Sussex, Gustavo Chiriboga, Voces del Bosque, Sozapato, Voces del Bosque With recordings from Voces del Bosque Produced by Mick