Eft/tapping Q & A Podcast W/ Gene Monterastelli - Emotional Freedom Techniques

Operative reality is reality to the subconscious mind – Healing Fundamentals (Part 5) (Pod #567)



This week we are continuing the Healing Fundamentals series by looking at how the subconscious mind's understanding of the world influences every choice we make. The subconscious mind is a valuable tool in helping us to navigate the world. It holds all our understanding about how the world works in the form of memories, patterns, stories, and beliefs. This allows us to navigate the world without having to think constantly about our environment and everything we are experiencing. Problems arise, however, when one of the beliefs about ourselves or the world that is stored in the subconscious mind is wrong. When this happens, we base our action on faulty information, which can only lead to problems. In this week's podcast we explore how the subconscious impacts our choices in the moment AND how we can transform the inaccurate information from which it is working. Support the podcast! Http://tappingqanda.com/support Subscribe in: Apple Podcast | iPhone | Android | Google Podcast | Spotify | Pandora | Amazo