John Clay Wolfe Show

JCW Show Big Bite: Keith Richards on Affirmative Action?



Always keep in mind: The John Clay Wolfe Show is NOT a political talk show...but we DO care about what's going on in the world, and sometimes have something-or-other to say that's not too crude or offensive. That being said, we also have quite a few notable friends hanging around who might sorta kinda steer past our idea of what might be...well, crude or offensive or just plain wrong! Keith Richards would very well fall into that category. Thank goodness we've got DJ PreKay here to set him straight! Thanks for joining us for this week's #JCWPodcast #Big Bite! Please don't forget to Like, Share, and most importantly, Subscribe--to make sure you get the latest John Clay Wolfe Show content as soon as they're released! So please, try and get along out there, okay? And when in doubt, just take a moment to reflect, and practice those minor chords, mmm-kay? Rock n' roll!