Somerset House Studios

S2 Ep2: Open Your Palm, Feel The Dust Settling There - Episode 2



‘Open Your Palm, Feel the Dust Settling There’ - a new three-part audio work by artist and Savage Messiah author Laura Grace Ford, generated by psychogeographic walks – drifts – through the Latimer Road, Hammersmith and White City areas of West London. The series reconnects Ford with the counter-narratives of Latimer Road by walking with a personal network of squatters, activists and soundsystems, as well as friends made during a decade of public sector work in the area. In 2005, Ford captured the affective currents of the Latimer Road area in her zine Savage Messiah where she connected with flashpoints of counter-cultural intensity. The new work is both a lament and the channelling of an incendiary pulse, it is a retracing of steps, a map of warnings left unheeded. Laura will present a live audio visual performance of the work on 27 June at Somerset House Studios.