Somerset House Studios

S1 Ep5: Technologically Fabricated Intimacy



Dating apps, gamification and blockchain technologies. Marija Bozinovska Jones and Dr Alessandro Gandini address how dating apps influence the forming of technologically-mediated intimate relationships in a project exploring what decentralised organisational models bring into online dating cultures. As part of this project Athame, a LARP (Live Action Role Play) which was conceptually created by artist collective OMSK Social Club, and based on research informed by Technologically Fabricated Intimacy by Marija Bozinovska Jones and Dr. Alessandro Gandini was hosted at Somerset House Studios on 17, 18 and 19 January 2019. The podcast was recorded prior to the LARP event and some details may have changed since the recording.  Academics and artists work together to offer new perspectives on contemporary issues. Now in its second year, the King’s College London x Somerset House Studios scheme sees Studios residents receive support to collaborate with King’s researchers, with each artist-academic partnership creati